Making a booking

To book a room you need to:

  • agree to our room hire terms and conditions
  • have Public Liability Insurance for your group or organisation or use ESCC Hirer’s Liability Insurance (for non-commercial organisations, voluntary and community groups who do not already have existing PL insurance of their own)
  • have the relevant licence if your event will include music. If live music is performed you need a Performing Rights Society (PRS) Licence, for recorded music you need both a PRS and a Public Performance Licence.

To proceed, please complete our booking enquiry form.

When we receive your booking enquiry, library staff will contact you within 5 working days to discuss availability and any facilities you need. We will either:

  • confirm the room and facilities are available at the time you requested, or
  • tell you that the meeting room you requested is unavailable.

Send back the booking form

After library staff have spoken to you, we will email you a Booking Agreement Form containing your booking details. We will also send you information about the venue you requested, including fire procedures.

Once you have signed and returned this form, staff will contact you to confirm your booking.

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