Library meeting rooms booking form

Please complete the form below to submit your room booking enquiry.

Booking details

Rooms are not available on Sundays

For example 2 days or 2.5 days
Use 24 hour clock, for example 13:00
Use 24 hour clock, for example 17:00

Room requirements

About you

eg community group, small business, charity

Booking agreement

  • I will make sure my organisation has Public Liability Insurance with an indemnity limit of £5 million, or use the Hirers Liability Insurance extension from East Sussex County Council. Please note that the intention of the Hirer's Liability extension is to provide cover for non-commercial organisations, voluntary and community groups who do not already have PL insurance of their own.
  • I will make sure that I am familiar with the building procedures before my meeting begins. This may include:
    • tour of the building
    • health and safety arrangements such as fire exits, fire doors, alarm points, evacuation meeting point, wheelchair refuges
    • building security and fob procedures
    • technology such as monitor screens and hearing loops.
  • I will make sure my organisation has the relevant music licence if required.