Managing records and information

Organisations produce large numbers of records and information every day. Records management ensures that this information:

  • is organised
  • is easily retrievable
  • is confidentially destroyed or moved to an archive if it has permanent historic value

East Sussex County Council Corporate Records Management Policy

The East Sussex County Council Records Management Policy sets out responsibilities and processes to achieve good records management across the organisation, which ensures:

  • compliance with current legislation and standards on record keeping. This includes the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and data protection legislation
  • the freeing up of valuable office space
  • the reduction in duplicate record keeping
  • fast location and retrieval of your documents when they are needed
  • regular destruction of expired records
  • protection from floods, fire or other accidents

Records retention and disposal schedule for East Sussex County Council

The records retention and disposal schedule is the definitive procedure for retaining and disposing of records within East Sussex County Council.

It shows:

  • the types of records created and received by, or on behalf of, East Sussex County Council
  • how long they should be kept (based on legal reasons and or business need)
  • the reasons for keeping them for this length of time
  • what should happen to them at the end of the retention period
  • the options: to be
    (1) destroyed
    (2) transferred to the Archive Service for permanent preservation
    (3) offered to an archivist for archive appraisal


East Sussex County Council Records Management Policy
Corporate policy on managing records in all formats. 17 January 2024 Approved.

Introduction to the corporate Records Retention Schedule 

Accessible Retention Schedule February 2024 [143.6 KB] [xlsx]
Records Retention and Disposal Schedule for East Sussex County Council. 5 February 2024 Approved. To ensure you are viewing the current schedule, please only access it via the link above. Do not save a copy as reference.

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