Chief Executive – Becky Shaw

Becky Shaw is Head of Paid Service for the organisation and is responsible for all work carried out by the Council. This includes:

Portrait photo of Becky Shaw new
Becky Shaw

Areas of responsibilities

  • main strategic policy advisor to the Council
  • overall co-ordination of the Council’s functions including our business planning process (Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources)
  • management of the political interface between Councillors and staff
  • management of all Council staff and resources
  • ensuring that Council policies and services are delivered effectively
  • leads the Corporate Management Team
  • Promotes strong partnership working across all three tiers of local government and also across all sectors in East Sussex
  • representative and advocate on behalf of the Council, East Sussex, South East and Local Government in a range of partnerships at a local, regional and national level.


Phone: 01273 481950
Email: Becky Shaw
Becky Shaw on Twitter

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