Employment status - employed or self-employed

The law says that it is not possible for the PA (or the client) to choose whether a support arrangement should be on an employed or self-employed basis. 

The law says that the correct employment status should be determined by the nature of each working arrangement between the PA and the client. With the rules being the same whether the client pays you privately or uses direct payments provided by the council.

It is important to use the correct employment status as this can have tax and legal implications for the client.

For further information on how to determine employment status use the links below:

Is your PA employed or self-employed | Low Incomes Tax Reform Group

Taking on a new employee | Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (litrg.org.uk)

If you or your client have any concerns regarding existing arrangements, please contact Independent Lives who offer free information and advice to people who need assistance with their care and support needs:

Website: independentlives.org
Email: advice@independentlives.org
Telephone: 01903 219 482