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  4. Who can get help from Adult Social Care and Health

Who can get help from Adult Social Care and Health

3. Working out what support you need

Having an assessment

At your needs assessment, we will ask you about different aspects of your life and what you would like to achieve. For example, you might want help to get washed and dressed each day or to be able to go out more. Make sure you tell us about all the everyday tasks you are struggling with.

We’ll ask about things like:

  • how you look after yourself
  • what’s working well
  • what you would like to change
  • the kinds of support you have now
  • your physical and emotional health

We can do this over the phone, by email, or we can arrange for someone to visit you.

We’ll use the information you give us to work out whether we are able to offer you practical support.

Your financial situation

We will also ask you some basic questions about your income and savings. Care and support services are not free – they are means-tested. Even if you qualify for help from us, you’ll probably need to pay something towards it.

Your support plan

After your assessment, if you are eligible for our help then we will help you to put a support plan together. This says what you need help with and how any support will be provided. You can create your support plan yourself or ask someone to help you with it, such as:

  • family or friends
  • a service provider
  • your social care advisor
  • an independent person who specialises in support planning

Once we have agreed your support plan, we will work out how much it will cost to provide the support in your plan.

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