Your feedback is important to us. Easy Read version

How to make a complaint or talk to us about Adult Social Care services  -  2023 version

This leaflet will tell you how you can make a complaint or give feedback about Adult Social Care services.

This leaflet will tell you how you can make a complaint or give feedback about Adult Social Care services.

If you need help to understand this leaflet, you could ask

  • someone in your family or a friend

  • a support worker

  • a carer.

If you need help to understand this leaflet, you could ask

  • someone in your family or a friend

  • a support worker

  • a carer.

If you need help to understand this leaflet and have no support, please call Health and Social Care Connect:

0345 60 80 191

They help to answer any questions you may have.

If you need help to understand this leaflet and have no support, please call Health and Social Care Connect:

0345 60 80 191

They help to answer any questions you may have.

We want to know what you think

We would like to know if you think we have done something wrong.

We would like to know if you think we have done something wrong.

You will not be treated any differently if you make a complaint.

You will not be treated any differently if you make a complaint.

We would like to know if the service you have used has been good.

We would like to know if the service you have used has been good.

If you tell us your views on Adult Social Care services, we can learn and make services better.

If you tell us your views on Adult Social Care services, we can learn and make services better.

Making a complaint

If you are unhappy about something like

If you are unhappy about something like

• your assessment or review

• your assessment or review

• not getting good support

• not getting good support

• you think we were rude or unhelpful

• you think we were rude or unhelpful

then you can tell us you are not happy.

then you can tell us you are not happy.

If you do not want to talk to us, you can ask someone you know to speak to us.

This could be an advocate.

An advocate is someone who helps you have your say.

If you do not want to talk to us, you can ask someone you know to speak to us.

This could be an advocate.

An advocate is someone who helps you have your say.

How to complain

You can write to us

Adult Social Care

North C

East Sussex County Council

County Hall

St Anne’s Crescent



You can write to us

Adult Social Care

North C

East Sussex County Council

County Hall

St Anne’s Crescent



You can phone us

01273 481 242

You can phone us

01273 481 242

You can email the Complaints Team

You can email the Complaints Team

You can tell us on Twitter


You can tell us on Twitter


You can tell us on Facebook

You can tell us on Facebook

We will listen to you and find out about the things you tell us.

We will listen to you and find out about the things you tell us.

We will be fair.

We will be fair.

We will let you know that we got your complaint within 3 working days.

Working days are all of the days in the week apart from Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.

We will let you know that we got your complaint within 3 working days.

Working days are all of the days in the week apart from Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.

We will give you an answer in 10 to 20 working days.

We will give you an answer in 10 to 20 working days.

If you are not happy with what we have said, you can go to the Ombudsman

If you are not happy with what we have said, you can go to the Ombudsman

An Ombudsman finds out facts.

They will listen to what you say.

They will not take sides.

An Ombudsman finds out facts.

They will listen to what you say.

They will not take sides.

If the Ombudsman agrees that there is something wrong, they will help to put it right.

If the Ombudsman agrees that there is something wrong, they will help to put it right.

How to contact the Ombudsman

You can write to the Ombudsman

PO Box 4771



You can write to the Ombudsman

PO Box 4771



You can phone the Ombudsman

0300 061 0614

You can phone the Ombudsman

0300 061 0614

You can go to their website

You can go to their website

For more information

Health and Social Care Connect

St Mary’s House

52 St. Leonard’s Road


BN21 3UU

Health and Social Care Connect

St Mary’s House

52 St. Leonard’s Road


BN21 3UU

Phone call

0345 60 80 191

Phone call

0345 60 80 191

Text message

07797 878 111

Text message

07797 878 111

Minicom via type talk

18001 0345 60 80 191

Minicom via type talk

18001 0345 60 80 191

This document was made together with the Involvement Matters Team (IMT).

IMT is the East Sussex reference group for adults with learning disabilities.

This document was made together with the Involvement Matters Team (IMT).

IMT is the East Sussex reference group for adults with learning disabilities.

IMT help to create and check the quality of Easy Read information on behalf of the East Sussex Learning Disability Partnership Board.

IMT help to create and check the quality of Easy Read information on behalf of the East Sussex Learning Disability Partnership Board.