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Learning Disability Partnership Board

Involvement Matters Team

We are members of the Learning Disability Partnership Board. We have put together some useful documents based around the projects we’ve run.

You can find further information about IMT in Easy Read here


Email: Learning Disability Partnership Board

There's more to me than Learning Disability!

Members of the Involvement Matters Team tell you who they are in these videos. They do not want to be defined by their learning disability. The aim of the campaign is to ask people to change the way they think and feel about people with learning disabilities.

Members of the Involvement Matters Team tell you who they are in these videos. They do not want to be defined by their learning disability. The aim of the campaign is to ask people to change the way they think and feel about people with learning disabilities.

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 1

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 1"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 2

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 2"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 3

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 3"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 4

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 4"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 5

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 5"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 6

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 6"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 7

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 7"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 8

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 8"

- There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 9

Watch on YouTube: "There's more to me than Learning Disability! Video 9"

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