Funding and Delivery

How will the road be funded?

The total cost of the scheme is £23.2m. We have committed £13.2m from our own capital programme. This was increased by the £10m of Local Growth Fund (LGF) monies. The business case was submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) on 6 July 2018. The scheme was approved by DfT.

The funding applied to the Port Access Road is what is known as ‘capital funding’. It can only be invested into one-off capital projects. It is not revenue funding. Revenue funding is required year-on-year to support staff costs and ongoing service delivery and this is where the adult social care (ASC) savings are proposed.

In addition, the capital funding from DfT is only available for this scheme. So this funding could not be put towards the proposed ASC savings.

Post construction report

In May 2024, a one year post opening report was published.