Road safety improvements

Requests for improvements in your area

We have a limited amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and we need to ensure that we target our resources to those schemes which will be of greatest benefit to our local communities.

We have developed an evidence-based process that enables us to prioritise the numerous requests we receive for traffic calming and other road improvements (such as pedestrian crossings, traffic signals, mini roundabouts and junction improvements). This process determines which schemes should be funded through our capital programme for local transport improvements.

Of those schemes that are put through our scoring process, only about 1 in 20 requests are taken forward for further consideration.

Find out more about our scoring process: how we decide.

How we decide

All requests for road safety improvements are assessed by our Road Safety Team. Significant issues will be investigated in more detail using national legislation and guidance, as well as our own policies and working practices.

If we can improve safety by making minor changes, for example cutting back vegetation or renewing existing road markings, this will be carried out as part of our highways maintenance programme. You can contact East Sussex Highways to report issues such as faded road markings, damaged traffic signs and overhanging vegetation.

The more complex improvements, such as traffic calming schemes, pedestrian crossings and cycle lanes undergo a scoring process which looks at:

  • crash and casualty data
  • benefits to the local community such as improving pedestrian links between housing and local shopping areas, traffic congestion and air quality
  • location within a priority area such as Eastbourne/Hailsham/Polegate
  • scale of impact

Requests that meet the required score are further assessed and if they continue to score highly will be considered by the Lead Member against our budget for the next financial year.

See: before you contact us

Approved works

A list of requests for road safety improvements that have been approved or approved for further assessment will be published on this website and updated every six months. See the PDF:

Road Safety - Approved Works and Assessments [143.1 KB] [pdf]

The next update will be published in October 2024.

Helping your community with funding – Community Match

Where possible, we may be able to match funding provided by communities, to support road safety improvements. Applications can be made by Parish Councils or Residents Associations and other local groups, with support from the Local County Council Member. There is a £500 fee for a feasibility study before funding is agreed.

See the website: Community Match Funding – East Sussex Highways.

Before you contact us

We run an annual programme whereby sites within the county that have four or more personal injury crashes recorded in a three year period are identified for investigation.

Sites with three crashes or less are still of importance to us and we rely on the local knowledge within our communities to ensure that concerns relating to road safety and traffic management are brought to our attention so that they can be investigated.

If you have a traffic management issue or road safety concern that you feel should be investigated, please contact the team using the link provided below.

Crash history

Check the crash history of a location using the websites:

Contact Road Safety

Contact us about road safety

Signs and road markings


Report problems with existing signs and road markings at East Sussex Highways website – report road lines or signs.

This is for signs and markings that:

  • have gone missing or fallen off
  • need cleaning, are broken or faded
  • are obscured by foliage

Requests for new signs and road markings

All traffic signs and road markings that are permitted for use on the public highway are strictly governed by national legislation to ensure consistency across the country. Requests for new signs and road markings that are covered by this legislation will be assessed by the Road Safety team. This will include on site assessments and may include analysis of the existing personal injury crash record.

Speeding concerns

See Dangerous and antisocial driving.

One-way traffic

Introducing one-way traffic flow along a road can have a negative effect on road safety. Drivers will often increase their speed, knowing they will not meet oncoming traffic.

No through roads

Street nameplates with a ‘no through road’ symbol may be provided by your local district or borough council.

Give way or junction markings

These are rarely used in residential areas as traffic is usually local drivers travelling at low speed.

Brown tourist signs

See Requesting brown tourist signs - East Sussex Highways.

Double white lines

There is a nationally agreed procedure for assessing a route for the provision of a double white line system. This takes into account the speed of traffic, forward visibility and road width. It is important that the marking is not used where the appropriate criteria are not satisfied, otherwise it will be brought into disrepute and eventually lose the respect of drivers.

‘Deer crossing’ posters

See Be deer aware.

Road mirrors

On public roads

Road or traffic mirrors on or around public roads are not permitted unless the site has a poor crash record and all other solutions have been explored. Drivers can misinterpret what they see and assume it is safe when it is not. Reflections may also be affected by poor weather or overgrown vegetation.

On private land

Property entrances where visibility is poor may be improved with a mirror, but the mirror must be on private land and:

  • be erected outside the limits of the Highway
  • cause no danger to any other road user either by glare from reflected sunlight, or headlights at night
  • not overhang the highway and obstruct vehicles, pedestrians or equestrians
  • have permission of the land owner
  • no costs or liability will be passed on to the Highway Authority

If a mirror causes problems for road users, we reserve the right to have it removed.

Anyone installing a traffic mirror may be liable if an incident occurs that can be related to the installation, even if it complies with the above conditions.

We strongly advise you to consult your own insurers, to clarify your personal position should a claim be made against you involving a mirror you have installed.

Bollards, verge posts and railings

We receive many requests to install physical features to prevent driving or parking in unsuitable places. Bollards or railings at the side of the road do not provide protection for pedestrians and buildings from vehicles mounting the pavement. Railings can have a negative effect on safety if not used appropriately, as pedestrians and cyclists can become trapped between a vehicle and the railing.

Parking on verges can cause damage, but we do not have the resources to fund posts or bollards. Instead of solving a problem, drivers may continue to park along the same stretch of road, but potentially in a more dangerous place.

Bollards are frequently knocked over and maintenance costs are high. Some town or parish councils or borough councils may decide to fund verge posts, which must be licensed prior to installation on the public highway.

Hazard marker (also known as reflector) posts are used to alert road users to hazards and are not suitable as a parking deterrent.

Parking matters within Lewes, Eastbourne, Hastings and Rother should be directed to the Parking Team.

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