Become a professional cyclist instructor

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We at East Sussex Cycle Training work in partnership with Outspoken as an Recognised Delivery Centre (RDC). Whether you would like to be a Cycle Trainer as your full-time job or you just want to pass on some skills at your local school or youth club, undertaking the National Standard Instructor training is the first step.

Step 1 – four day course

The course covers all aspects of cycle training with reference to the National Standard outcomes and risk management. Participants receive provisional accreditation. The course includes:

  • four day course with two qualified instructor trainers
  • course materials (workbook, manual and model documentation)
  • registration on the National Database

Step 2 – post-course assessment (PCA) within six months of your course

The PCA gives you full accreditation while we observe you working with real trainees where you work.

  • usually takes place over two sessions
  • we support you and agree targets for your final evaluation

For more information contact the team

Email: Cycle Training

Telephone: 0788 128 2725

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