Current licence applications

In accordance with the provisions of the Marriages and Civil Partnership (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005, and on behalf of the Registrar General, current licence applications are published here:

Licence applications
Venue application notice Date of publication
Claverton Hotel 20 August 2024
Hendall Manor Barns 21 August 2024
The Sussex Barn 23 August 2024

The public notice consultation runs for 21 days.

Anyone wishing to inspect the application, together with a plan of the premises in question, may do so by appointment during normal opening hours at any East Sussex Register Office.


Anyone who wishes to object to any of these applications being granted may do so by writing to:

Proper Officer for Registration
Eastbourne Register Office,
Town Hall,
Grove Road,
East Sussex
BN21 4UG

You should set out the reasons for the objection and submit it within 21 days from the date of publication of the notice.

At the end of the 21 days, the notice will be removed and no longer subject to public objection for the purposes of an application.

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