Planning applications

Planning applications

When a new development is planned, we make sure that any impact on the transport network is taken into account. We consider a wide range of sustainability issues including access by all modes to local facilities, shops and schools.  We assess the impact of proposals on highway capacity and the possible effects of a development on road safety.  We then decide whether improvements to the transport network and/or other measures such as Travel Plans are necessary and justifiable. We undertake negotiations with developers to secure the most effective packages of mitigation and we manage the delivery of any agreed works and measures.

Representations that the County Council submits on planning applications will be made available through the relevant planning application files on the Local Planning Authority websites. See our representations on planning applications page.

Pre-Application Service

The County Council welcomes and encourages discussions with a developer before submission of a planning application to a District or Borough Council or a County Matter application to the County Council.

Please note: we know the files below might not be suitable for users of assistive technology. 

If you use a screen reader or other assistive technology, please contact Transport Development Control and we will try to help.

Request for pre-application advice [87.8 KB] [docx]

Pre-application advice guide and charging schedule - from 1st April 2024  [283.2 KB] [pdf]

Transport Assessments, Transport Statements and Transport Reports

In order to accurately assess the likely impact of any planned development there are a number of documents that should be considered and submitted with a planning application:

Guidance on carrying out transport reviews in support of planning applications is provided in our  Transport Assessments, Transport Statements and Transport Reports document [99.5 KB] [pdf].

A Walking Cycling and Horse-riding Assessment and Review- (formerly Non-Motorised User Audit) in accordance with GG142 may also be required in support of major development proposals to identify on and off site opportunities for improved non car accessibility.

Travel Plans

When new developments are planned, it is vital to consider accessibility to local facilities and services, schools and shops. Travel plans aim to encourage walking and cycling use of public transport and the use of Travel Plans have been reinforced by the National Planning Policy Framework.

Guidance on travel plans for new development [580.5 KB] [pdf]

Parking guidance

Assessing the appropriate level and type of parking provision is a key consideration for the County Council as Highway Authority in assessing the transport impacts of development.  The guidance linked below (and associated calculator for residential development) will help to ensure that the right type of all forms of parking for new development is provided and that the right balance is struck between meeting parking demand whilst exploiting the potential for sustainable travel and minimising adverse effects on highway safety. 

Guidance on parking at new development [327.1 KB] [docx]

Car parking demand calculator [4.0 MB] [xlsm]

Map of East Sussex wards [3.5 MB] [pdf]

Transport Modelling

For some of the major towns in East Sussex we have developed transport models for many areas of East Sussex. These models can be used to assess the transport impact of new development proposals.

Access to transport models [341.0 KB] [pdf]

Safety Audit Policy for Developments

This Policy sets out the County Council’s procedure for the consideration of developer proposals requiring the support of a Road Safety Audit.

Safety Audit Policy for Developments [247.0 KB] [pdf]

Trip Generation – Trics

To identify the specific impacts of a planned development we recommend that the national TRICS database is utilised when compiling transport data.

Find out more from the Trics website.

Download presentations from User Meetings and Training and Development Forum online at TRICS Publications 

Refuse and Recycling Collections

The removal of refuse is an important consideration in the design and construction of a new development. Guidance for property developers in relation to refuse and recycling collections can be found below,

Good Practice Guidance for Refuse and Recycling Collections  [822.6 KB] [pdf]

Contact us

For any further information please contact:

Transport Development Control

Transport development control – forms and guidance


Please note: we know the files below might not be suitable for users of assistive technology. 

If you use a screen reader or other assistive technology, please contact Transport Development Control and we will try to help.

Transport assessments, transport statements and transport reports [99.5 KB] [pdf]
Guidance on carrying out reviews of the possible impact of transport, when new developments are planned.

Guidance on travel plans for new development [580.5 KB] [pdf]
Our guidance on Travel Plans for new development. Containing information on how we expect Travel Plans to be secured as part of the planning process and the way we monitor and enforce them.

Local design guide for residential development [97.0 KB] [pdf]
Information for developers about our basic standards for construction requirements, when residential streets are designed.

Highway construction specification for developers [529.4 KB] [pdf]
All new road and highway works must comply with the specifications set out in this document.

Design standards for industrial roads [294.0 KB] [pdf]
Sets out our design standards for industrial estate roads in East Sussex.

Acceptance form – highway construction specification for developers – email [100.7 KB] [docx]
As part of our technical approval process, all developers must complete and return this form.

Traffic signal design and installation standards [868.1 KB] [pdf]
Guidance on ensuring traffic signals for vehicle and pedestrians in East Sussex meet both local and national standards.

  Guidance on parking at new development [327.1 KB] [docx]

 Car parking demand calculator [4.0 MB] [xlsm]

  Map of East Sussex wards [3.5 MB] [pdf] 

ESCC Standard drawings  [5.1 MB] [pdf]

Stopping Up Orders [70.7 KB] [docx]

Transport Development Control – contact us

For all matters relating to planning application, major transport projects, road adoptions, highway improvements, vehicle crossings (dropped kerbs) and other highway licences please contact us:

Other ways to contact us

  • Telephone: 01273 482 254

By Post:

Transport Development Control
East Sussex County Council
County Hall
St Anne's Crescent,

Representations on Planning Applications

In our role as the Highways Authority, the County Council submits representations on nearly a thousand planning applications every year. It is for the relevant Local Planning Authority to consider the representations we make in coming to a decision on the planning applications. The representations we make can be viewed through the relevant planning application files on the website's of the following Local Planning Authority's,

Occasionally we also make representations on planning applications outside of East Sussex. Generally these are proposals that are in close proximity to the county boundary and or are of a strategic nature that could impact upon the highway network in East Sussex.

Comments from Third Parties on Highway Matters Relating to Planning Applications

We are aware that development proposals, particularly those of a significant size, can often give rise to highways related concerns from members of the public and community groups and organisations. Should you have such concerns then you will need to put these to the relevant planning authority during the consultation stage of the planning application. It may be the case that the County Council, as the relevant Highways Authority, provides comments on such applications that differ from your own views. In this regard, it is important to note that the County Council has to consider and appraise the development proposal in an objective manner, having regard to robust evidence and relevant planning policies, which includes the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework.

With the above in mind, should an individual or organisation wish to challenge the advice we have provided on a planning application then they will need to do so through the relevant planning authority. It will then be for the planning authority to decide whether they wish to seek further clarity, advice or reconsideration of position from the County Council. Ultimately it needs to be the planning authority who are content with the advice we are providing as they will be making the decision on the application in question.

It is recognised that very occasionally, a third party (i.e. member of public, town or parish council, etc.,) may identify a factual error in either the transport evidence that supports the application and/or our response to the application. Should this be the case then please contact the County Council highlighting what this factual error is. In turn, we will review our representation, amend it where necessary and maintain a close dialogue with the relevant planning authority and applicant, if necessary. We will respond to the individual or organisation that have highlighted the error to explain what course of action we have taken.

Any correspondence we receive that expresses concerns over highway matters, within the context of a planning application, will be sent to the relevant planning authority for their consideration in the determination of the application. In such cases we will acknowledge the correspondence and explain who we have passed it onto and how it will be considered.

Should you have any comments, or concerns over how we deliver this service then please contact us,

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