Lewes review

To find out what happens at each stage of a review see our guide to parking reviews

Lewes review 1

Information and updates about the Lewes parking review which began on 1 April 2023.

Next stage

Stage 5 - Implementation. We are arranging for the changes to be made and the traffic regulation order to be sealed. This stage is weather dependent as lining work can only be carried out in dry weather.

Completed stages

Stage 4 - Planning Committee. The planning committee meeting took place on 17 April  2024.

Stage 3 - Formal consultation. All the responses received in the formal consultation are being reviewed. The details of the formal consultation are on our consultation hub. 

Stage 2 - Informal consultation. All the responses received in the informal consultation have been reviewed. The details of the informal consultation are on our consultation hub. The Lewes formal consultation review list [41.5 KB] [docx] shows the locations and restrictions we are taking forward in Stage 3 - Formal consultation.  

Stage 1 - Prioritisation. All of the requests received up to 31 March 2023 have been assessed and prioritised. The Lewes review priority ranking list [54.3 KB] [docx] show the locations and restrictions we received requests for and if they are being taken forward to Stage 2 Informal consultation or Stage 3 Formal consultation.

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