Online rights of way map

Use our interactive map to view public rights of way in East Sussex and report any issues.

The map shows all of the public rights of way in the county, as well as the bridges, stiles, gates, steps and waymarks on those routes. Our countryside sites and promoted routes can also be viewed on the map, as well as details of closed paths.

Search by location or path name, or use GPS (Global Positioning System) on mobile devices to find your location.

Reports can be submitted via the map by logging in and following the instructions. Photos can be submitted and are limited to 3MB in size. They may need resizing before logging a report.

Please note the site will perform slightly differently on different browsers and devices.

The online map is for guidance only and is not definitive. 

Find out more from our pages, about the rights of way map.

For full details about closures marked on the map, please refer to our list of temporary closures and seasonal byway restrictions.

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