Local Access Forum

East Sussex Local Access Forum

The East Sussex Local Access Forum advises on a range of issues concerning people using the countryside for recreation. This is a requirement of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

The members of the forum represent users, land managers and those with other interests, eg conservation, tourism and disabilities. Advice is provided to the Council and other organisations to improve access to the countryside for recreation whilst protecting wildlife and the landscape.


The East Sussex Local Access Forum members are:

  • Michael Clarke – (Chair) cycling interests
  • Brendan Clegg –  (Vice-chair) walking and countryside access interests
  • Patrick Wallace – motorcycling interests
  • Romy Jackson – land-management interests/farming
  • Zena Gibbs – disabled access interests
  • Annette Vallance – equestrian interests
  • Bev Marks – walking and countryside access interests
  • Sue Hyden – equestrian interests
  • Nick Hanna – cycling and countryside access interests
  • Bridget Stevenson - land-management interests/farming


Meetings are open to the public and minutes are available to download.

The next meeting is due to be held in October 2024. Members of the public who wish to attend please contact us for further information.


Minutes from previous meetings can be downloaded below. If you have any queries about previous meetings please contact the,

Further information

For further information about any aspect of the Local Access Forum or to attend a meeting, please contact the,

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