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Landscape planning

From the whale-backed chalk hills of the Downs to the sandstone ridges of the High Weald, the undulating clay vale of the Low Weald and remote levels at Rye and Pevensey, the East Sussex landscape is varied and unique.

A Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) provides a detailed look at local landscapes and townscapes, their unique sense of place and the pressures for change which may affect this. It identifies features such as woodlands, farmlands and building styles and can be used when making decisions about how to manage the landscape, including:

  • landscape protection, conservation and enhancement
  • information for communities to inform neighbourhood or parish plans and village design statements
  • planning policy and development control
  • landscape Management plans

Download the East Sussex Landscape Character Assessment.

Local and national landscape character

Our LCA sits alongside other local assessments, to provide a strategic overview for East Sussex.  See:

England has been divided into areas which share similar landscape characteristics, called National Character Areas. These provide the background information for more detailed Landscape Character Assessments. See:

Contact us

For further information, contact our County Landscape Architect:

Email: Virginia Pullan

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