Apply for low-income families

Your child may be able to get free transport to school if: 

  • your family gets the maximum Working Tax Credit or 
  • your child gets free school meals 

Before sending your application, please also check that you can answer yes to the relevant statements below. 

What to check before you apply - for primary-aged pupils 

  • my child is over 8 years old 
  • my child attends the nearest school which is more than 2 miles away   
  • I understand East Sussex County Council doesn’t offer travel to faith primary schools if there are closer non-faith alternatives 

What to check before you apply - for secondary-aged pupils 

  • my child goes to one of the 3 schools closest from their home
  • the school is between 2 and 6 miles away
  • my child goes to a faith school, and they attend the closest one between 2 and 15 miles away

Please note that distances up to two miles are measured using the shortest available walking route. Beyond 2 miles, distances are measured using roads only. 

Complete the form

Complete the form to apply for transport if your family has a low income.