Transport policies

These policies explain:

  • who qualifies for home to school transport
  • what travel provision is supplied to children who qualify
  • when transport is not given
  • appeals and complaints

Please contact us if you’d like a document translated into another language.

Home to school transport policy for children of compulsory school age

This document sets out the East Sussex County Council’s current home to school transport policy for students who live in the county. Please see: 

Post 16 Transport Policy Statement

This policy statement [226.1 KB] [pdf] outlines the help that might be available through:

  • the County Council
  • schools
  • colleges and
  • transport operators

to help all young people of sixth form age and adult learners aged 19+ with an Education, Health and Care plan to get to school and college.

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): Transport policies

East Sussex County Council’s SEND transport policies are applicable by age group:

Up to school year 11: Travel assistance policy for compulsory school-aged children with an Education, Heath and Care plan (EHC plan) [296.1 KB] [pdf]

16 to 19 years of age: Travel assistance policy for 16-19-year-olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) [324.8 KB] [pdf]

Post-19 years of age: Travel assistance policy for post-19-year-olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) [284.0 KB] [pdf]

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