Hazel Court Special School


A school for pupils aged 11 to 19

  • Executive headteacher
  • Kirsty Eydmann
  • Head of School
  • Karen Sitwell-Cook
  • Head of School
  • Jo Beaumont
  • Hazel Court Special School
  • Larkspur Drive
  • Eastbourne
  • BN23 8EJ

Special Educational Needs

Pupils with moderate, severe and complex learning needs. Facilities are split into two separate locations, the secondary school for pupils from 11 to 16 and the FE Department for students from 16 to 19. Both have been recently purpose built and have an excellent range of facilities.


School holidays and planned closures

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Applying for a place

Admissions to this school are arranged by the Special Educational Needs Team.

School policies

The policies and management of the school are the responsibility of the school's governing body through the headteacher. Visit Hazel Court Special School's website for further information.