Peacehaven Community School

A school for boys and girls aged 11 to 16

  • Executive headteacher
  • Liza Leung
  • Headteacher
  • Rachel Henocq
  • Peacehaven Community School
  • Greenwich Way
  • Peacehaven
  • BN10 8RB

Special Educational Needs

Speech, language and communication unit. Support is for pupils who are also attending a mainstream school in Peacehaven and Newhaven. It may include individual or paired literacy and language sessions, social skill groups and individual teaching sessions to reinforce the curriculum and support students with homework.


School holidays and planned closures

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Applying for a place

For details on how to apply to this school please see our section on School admissions.

For more about how places are allocated and annual changes to the arrangements, please see our School admissions explained page.

School policies

The policies and management of the school are the responsibility of the school's governing body through the headteacher. Visit Peacehaven Community School's website for further information.