ARK Little Ridge Primary Academy

A school for boys and girls aged 5 to 11

  • Principal
  • Kate Woolley
  • Ark Little Ridge Primary Academy
  • Little Ridge Avenue
  • St. Leonards-on-sea
  • TN37 7LR

Special Educational Needs

Our speech and language unit provides intensive help for children and young people with severe speech and language impairment, as well as access to a broad and balanced curriculum. It’s for children who have a statement of special educational need/Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), with the main difficulty of speech and language impairment. The unit is an integral part of the school. An annual Admission Panel decides who will be offered places, and the length of stay depends on the needs of each child.


School holidays and planned closures

Inset day
Tuesday 23 July 2024

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Applying for a place

For details on how to apply to this school please see our section on School admissions.

For more about how places are allocated and annual changes to the arrangements, please see our School admissions explained page.

School policies

The policies and management of the school are the responsibility of the school's governing body through the headteacher. Visit ARK Little Ridge Primary Academy's website for further information.