Detailed guidance on school admission appeals

2. Making an appeal

To appeal online see our Considering making an appeal? guidance and online appeal form.

Please note if you are appealing for a voluntary aided (faith school) you will need to submit your appeal direct to the school.

You have the right to put forward whatever reasons you feel are relevant to your case. It helps if you use headings or number the points you are making.

Please read the rules on infant class size law appeals, or secondary and primary appeals to understand how panels make decisions on appeals.

If you prefer to make an appeal on paper, request a form at:

East Sussex School Appeals Service
East Sussex County Council
West E, County Hall
St Anne’s Crescent
Lewes BN7 1UE

Please use separate forms for:

  • each school you want to appeal for, and
  • for each child.

Please also use:

  • blue or black ink
  • A4 paper for any extra pages and number them.

We can only provide black and white copies. If you want the panel to see colour items, like maps, photos or papers, please include 8 colour copies.

To track the progress of your appeal, or start another appeal using the same account, sign in.