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About Schools in East Sussex

Find addresses, contact details, links to website, calendars and alerts, links to Ofsted reports for state-funded schools in East Sussex:

You can search by school name or location. You can also look through a list of either primary, secondary, special schools or schools with a sixth form or see a map of them (please note, the map isn’t interactive).

You can find out which community area (sometimes known as a catchment area) you live in on our address checker

You can find information on schools here

Private schools

For more information on private schools, see GOV.UK:

Types of schools

East Sussex has a wide range of schools in addition to government or state-funded (or ‘maintained’) schools. They all offer education to children of all abilities. Some schools set their own admission arrangements. It is important to check this before applying.

East Sussex has no grammar schools.

Academy schools

Academies are all-ability schools set up by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups. They are not maintained by the local authority. They are independent schools funded by central government. The Academy Trust set their own admission arrangements and decide how they admit pupils.

Community schools and voluntary controlled schools

The local authority (East Sussex County Council) is responsible for school admissions. It decides how to admit pupils. The headteacher and governors manage community and voluntary controlled schools in partnership with the local authority. Voluntary controlled schools have links to the Church of England.

Free schools

Free schools are non-profit making, independent, state-funded schools for children of all abilities. The governors set their own admission arrangements and decide how they admit pupils and what they teach.

Trust schools

Trust schools are run by their own governing body but have formed a charitable trust with an external partner – for example, a business or educational charity – aiming to raise standards. The governors set their own admission arrangements and decide how pupils are admitted.

Voluntary aided church schools

Voluntary aided church schools set their own admission arrangements and decide how they admit pupils. The governing body contributes to building and maintenance costs.

In many cases the governors ask parents to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) as well as the school application form. This enables schools to rank applications against their admissions criteria.

They normally give priority to parents who can demonstrate a commitment to the religious faith of the school.

Special schools and specialist facilities

We are fully committed to inclusion. Most children with special educational needs, and many children with an Education, Health and Care plan, go to mainstream schools. 

Some children with SEN and complex needs go to specialist facilities in mainstream schools or special schools.

This placement would normally be named in the child’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan.

There are also special schools for children in certain circumstances.

School performance tables and Ofsted reports

Local and national test results

Primary and secondary school results are published by the Department for Education.

Find and check the performance of schools and colleges in England (www.gov.uk)

Ofsted reports

The schedule of Ofsted inspections was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Inspections resumed early in 2022. Ofsted published guidance on how they will catch up on scheduled inspections in June 2023.

When will Ofsted inspect my school? Schools and further education & skills (FES) (blog.gov.uk)

Find a report

To look up a school’s latest report, see: 

Ofsted: Find an inspection report

Further Information

Find local schools

To find further information about a school in East Sussex, see

Schools in East Sussex (eastsussex.gov.uk)

The Education Hub

This is a government site for parents, pupils, education professionals and the media. It captures all you need to know about the education system. You’ll find accessible, straightforward information on popular topics, Q&As, interviews, case studies, and more.

The Education Hub (blog.gov.uk)

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