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  3. Customer feedback
  4. How to feedback about a service

How to feedback about a service

Firstly please contact the team delivering the service and tell them your feedback. If something hasn’t gone right, please contact them and allow them to try to put it right.

Council services provided by external contractors

Some of our services are delivered by external contractors such as East Sussex Highways and our waste sites. You’re able to give feedback directly to them:

Complaints procedures

Certain complaints are excluded from our complaint procedure, this is when there is an alternative process already in place to help you resolve your problem. Some examples of this would be:

  • Complaints about parking tickets
  • Complaints related to civil legal proceedings
  • Complaints related to personnel procedures

After you’ve spoken to the service, if you are still unhappy and your complaint relates to anything in the list below, follow the links to find out how to make a complaint:

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