
We work with hosts to support them in the process. We also want Ukrainian guests be clear about their housing options.

This guidance explains what options and support are available to hosts and guests.

It is best for hosts and guests to discuss expectations early on, within the first 4 months of arrival. Hosts should make it clear what they can offer and for how long. Guests should discuss their intentions for the future, and how to plan for that.

Hosts have agreed to house their guests for at least 6 months and longer if they can. Please give us 2 months notice if your situation changes.  You can do that by emailing: ukraine@eastsussex.gov.uk.

The options for hosts and guests after six months are:

  • Continuing sponsorship

  • Finding a new host

  • Finding private rental housing

  • Contacting your local council for housing advice

Continuing sponsorship or finding a new host

Continuing after 6 months

Many hosts can continue their arrangement for longer than 6 months. We ask you to do this if possible. Many Ukrainians will not be ready to move on after 6 months and a severe shortage of housing makes it much harder.

You can claim monthly 'thank you' payments for up to 3 years if you continue to host. 

We understand that not everyone can continue. If that is the case, please talk to each other to arrange a plan and timescale for moving on.  If you need help, we may be able to signpost or refer you to services who can advise. Please email us: ukraine@eastsussex.gov.uk.

Finding a new host

If hosts can no longer continue, it may be possible to find a new host.

You can try to find a new host through:

  • someone that you already know

  • local groups within the community or

  • local organisations

If you are not sure who can help, email us: ukraine@eastsussex.gov.uk.

There is advice on GOV.UK on how to find a new host:

They have also published a list of organisations who can help guests find a new host: Organisations who can help guests from Ukraine find sponsors in the UK - GOV.UK.  

It is important to contact them as soon as possible, to give the best chance of finding a suitable new host.

If you do find a new host please let us know before you move.  We can only support new arrangements once we have done some important checks.   

Find rented accommodation

Help to find a home to rent

If a guest cannot find a new host, they can look for private rented housing.

There is a helpful guide from the government on how to rent in England:

Rents in East Sussex are high, compared to average incomes. This makes it hard to find an affordable home to rent. It may be worth considering other areas of the UK. 

There is also information available about renting:

If you claim benefits to help with rent, Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is the maximum you could get. You get this as Universal Credit and you can check the LHA for the area you want to move to.

LHA rates are a lot lower than rent, so guests must make up the difference. You need to be sure you can afford to move into rented housing.

You can also find information on renting in ScotlandWales and Northern Ireland.

Financial help for guests

Help is available from Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA). Guests can apply for help with:

  • Deposit and holding fee
  • One month’s rent in advance
  • Six months guarantor agreement between the landlord and SCDA
  • Help towards the cost of furnishing a property up to £500

This support is a grant that goes to landlords, letting agents or suppliers. You will not be given the grant directly.

Contact your local council for housing advice

Your district or borough council offers:

  • housing advice

  • help to households at risk of homelessness.

Contact your local housing office.

Please note that both private rentals and social housing is in short supply in East Sussex. Local households can wait for many years for social housing here.

This means households can live in emergency accommodation for a long time. This is often outside of East Sussex until housing solution is found. These households may only get one offer of privately rented housing.