Flooding advice

Get flood warnings

Sign up to get free automated flood warnings by phone, text or email:

You can also sign up by phone – call the Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

In an emergency

Dial 999 for police, fire or ambulance.

To report problems

If there is major flooding on the highway please call us on 0345 60 80 193.

Please note that drains can take up to 2 hours to clear water following heavy rain. If there is still water on the road or pavement after this time, please report it.

Some drainage systems are the responsibility of Southern Water and South East Water. Find out which water company covers your area and how to contact them:

How to prepare for flooding

For information on how to prepare your home and family for flooding, please see the government website:

Home insurance

If you are considering home insurance for a property which is at risk of flooding, please read the advice on the Flood Re website:

If a flood threatens

  • check if your home insurance policy covers flooding for both buildings and contents
  • make a list of important phone numbers
  • know how to turn off mains water, gas and electricity
  • move important items such as insurance documents and family photographs to safety

If you think you may have to leave home

Make a ‘flood kit’ of essential items to take if you need to leave your home, including:

  • wind-up or battery-powered radio and torch
  • insurance documents
  • bottled water and non-perishable food
  • warm waterproof clothes

Information from your local council

East Sussex County Council does not provide sandbags but some district or borough councils may provide them, or you could buy bags and sand from DIY stores and local builders merchants.

Weather reports

Flood plans

To find out how we will respond to and deal with a flood or reservoir emergency, plus advice to schools, colleges and care homes on how to produce their own flood plan, please go to:

Flood Risk Management

As the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for East Sussex, we work closely with other organisations to manage local flood risk in the county.

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