Youth Justice Service help

1. Youth Justice Service

If a Court finds you guilty of a criminal offence you will receive a sentence. The Court will take into account your circumstances in order to decide on the severity of the sentence.

The Court may ask the Youth Justice Service (YJS) for a ‘pre-sentence report’.

The YJS works with East Sussex County Council teams – Children’s Services and the Reparation Team. They also work with the Police, the probation service, the NHS and the voluntary sector.

They will meet you to find out about your:

  • personal and home life
  • education or employment, and
  • how to prevent further offending

Education for young offenders

The Youth Justice Service will support you to continue your education. This includes after arrest, and during any court proceedings or sentence.

We work with schools, colleges and other support services to help you get back into education or training.

If you have special educational needs (SEN), you should receive SEN Support. If you have a statement or Education, Health and Care plan this will show your support needs. The Youth Justice Service will take part in reviews and assessments as necessary.


Contact the East Sussex Youth Justice Service

Email: Youth Justice Service

10 Brodrick Close
Hampden Park
BN22 9NQ

Telephone: 01323 463760