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  3. Report a concern about a child or a teenager

Report a concern about a child or a teenager

In an emergency, call 999.  

Otherwise, if you are worried that a child or teenager might be at risk of harm and you need advice straight away contact the:

Single Point of Advice (SPoA)

  • Phone: 01323 464222

If you feel that the child or teenager is not in immediate danger but you are still worried you can also:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm. Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Out of hours

For a serious concern about a child that cannot wait until the next working day,  contact the Emergency Duty Service.

Weekdays from 5pm to 8.30am. Also weekends and bank holidays.

  • 01273 335906 or
  • 01273 335905

Advice for separated parents

If you are concerned that your child is not safe with your ex-partner, or need advice on contact and living arrangements for children, see:

For professionals

Professionals can make referrals using the Children, Young People and Families Portal
Or visit Professional resources including safeguarding