Visitor Economy Minutes 22 September 2022

Visitor Economy Minutes 22 September 2022

Meeting details

Visitor Economy Task Group

22nd September 2022 –10:00 - 11:30

Meeting held remotely via MS Teams

Attendees and apologies



Role, Organisation


Julie Barker

Independent Consultant,Task Group CHAIR


Caroline Bragg

Employability and Skills Strategy Manager, ESCC


Cllr David Tutt

Eastbourne Borough & Lewes District Councils


Elaine Remon

Employability Operations Manager, ESCG


Henry Clayson

Project Assistant, East Sussex Careers Hub


Kimberley Bulgin

Project Co-ordinator Cultural Team, ESCC


Kori Cox

Employer Engagement Lead, Steps to Work ASCH


Steve Benwell [part]

Senior Partnership Manager Surrey & Sussex, DWP



Ellie Hendley-Dent

Partnership Manager, Team Domenica


Rebecca Chan

Job Coach Manager, Team Domenica




Charlotte Hailey-Watts

Ditchling Museum of Arts and Crafts


Jackie Church

CXK, the National Careers Service


Kevin Boorman

1066 Marketing, Hastings Borough Council


Penny Shearer

Business Development, ESCG


Stewart Drew

Director & CEO, De La Warr Pavilion


Sally Staples

Cultural Strategy Manager, ESCC and Co-Chair Creative & Digital Media Task Group


Sara Taylor

Eastbourne & Lewes Councils


Vanessa Potter

SCTP, Executive Director




Donnalyn Morris

Employability and Skills Project Officer, ESCC


Stephen Burkes

Employability and Skills Project Manager, ESCC

Actions arising from this meeting

Actions from this meeting, 22nd September 2022




1)      Consider a flyer summarising the work of the task groups which could promote further employer participation


30th November 2022

2)    Draft letter to go from SES requesting specific apprenticeship employee status information be made available


January 2023 TBC

3)    Contact Team Domenica and for more information on recruitment



4)    Send in ideas for engaging activities for jobs fair at the Beacon


30th November 2022

Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

  1. JB welcomed all to the meeting, particularly KC for the first time and guests from Team Domenica. Noted that due to the need to reschedule this meeting, a number of people were unable to attend due to other commitments

Review of Previous Minutes and Actions

  1. Actions from meeting of 14th June 2022

1)    Send in ideas for using The Beacon by the Task Group

Skills East Sussex

ASAP – please send via

2)    Contact the Careers Hub about various opportunities to engage with schools/colleges


ASAP re Ican 2022


The actions are on the agenda. Minute agreed.


  1. SBu advised on a March-June meeting action. Dr Ioannis Pantelidis has taken up a post outside Brighton University. Sara Taylor and Anna Salmon at Eastbourne Borough Council will keep the group up to date on the Hotel of Excellence


  1. JB gave the update that the national hospitality campaign has raised £1m for marketing. This intends to target the under 30s. UK Hospitality have launched a workforce strategy.


  1. ER advised that there nine clients are on a Hospitality Rocks course this week with interviews at The View Hotel at the end of it.

Ways To Engage/Careers Hub Update

  1. HC explained that the three main ways to work with the East Sussex Careers Hub to raise the profile of your sector are:
  • The Enterprise Adviser (EA) role. EAs work closely with schools planning the careers strategy for students.
  • The Industry Champion (IC) role. This role is not as big a commitment as an EA. ICs attend schools and careers events to talk about the benefits of, routes into and myth-bust on their sector.
  • Open Doors which give an insight into businesses by showing students premises.


  1. Currently there is a drive to have more of these in November for autumn term, but doors can be opened any time of year. Businesses in Wealden are needed. Nor does this have to be in person, virtual events are remaining popular and are a cost-effective way for businesses to get involved. IC work is also flexible.


  1. The Mermaid Inn are taking part in Open Doors this year. CB noted that Eastbourne hotels have engaged well in the past. Current engagement levels are lower than before.


  1. CllrT suggested inviting the Eastbourne Hospitality Association, he meets them monthly. JB wondered if the Chambers could help. CB noted that Ana Christie, at the Sussex Chamber of Commerce sits on the Skills East Sussex Board so is aware of this group and of the Careers Hub.


Action 1: Consider a flyer summarising the work of the task groups – SBu/CB


  1. Discussion turned to post-16 destinations. JB said anecdotally more teenagers who may have turned to hospitality for work are moving into T-levels or apprenticeships. CB advised that some destinations data can be shared but it may not be sector specific. SBu explained that apprenticeship start information does not capture if it is a new employee or someone already in an existing post.


Action 2: Draft letter to go from SES requesting specific apprenticeship employee status information be made available – SBu/CB


Team Domenica and Supported Internships

  1. RC gave a brief overview of Team Domenica. They are a Brighton based social enterprise who want to ‘remove barriers to work for people with disabilities.’ They work with the 19-25 age group, the young adult must have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) for funding.


  1. There are training centres at Preston Circus and four other cafes. They also have links with Brighton Library and Hove Library. The training covers literacy, numeracy and employability. Enrichment is offered through mentoring focussing on health and well-being.


  1. EHD advised her role is to engage new employers. Trainees undertake work experience then go into a supported internship. The internships run from November for the academic year. These range/start from two hours a week to 6-12 hours.


  1. The supported internship is a wraparound programme, and support can be put back if needed after gaining paid work.


  1. There are around 50 employees, mainly in the Brighton area. However, they are as far as Arundel and one works in the County Hall post room. The majority work in hospitality. They are a group who are very motivated to work. DWP job coaches funded Access to Work so there is no cost to employers.


Steps to Work

  1. KC spoke about this programme run through East Sussex County Council’s learning disability services based in Adult Social Care. There is no age limit.


  1. There are two pathways: for trainees who undertake a 16-week programme in order to become work ready and for Job Seekers. They have weekly meetings with a job coach about skills and areas needing improvement to gain a job. There are training facilities at the following East Sussex locations:
  • Café Connect, Bellbrook Centre Uckfield
  • Shine Valeting, County Hall, Lewes
  • St Marks House, Eastbourne


  1. The scheme is currently looking to see if a jobseeker can manage the valet services, with support.


  1. Support for employers around the jobseekers includes:
    • Discussion of recruitment needs
    • Selecting suitable trainees
    • Preliminary paperwork including help with Access to Work
    • Discussion of employment opportunities
    • Supporting individuals to work independently
    • Pre-arranged visits
    • Onsite support for workers after they start


  1. Benefits for employers include an
  • alternative recruitment process,
  • development of an inclusive workforce
  • no recruitment fee
  • company recognition as a champion for inclusivity/those with learning difficulties
  • company recognition of partnership working with East Sussex County Council
  • strengthened disability awareness and lived experience expertise within the workforce.


  1. There is also reduced staff turnover and sickness from this group who are keen to work, despite no expectation to do so.


  1. CllrT advised that the Southfields Trust has young people with special needs working in Eastbourne. It would be good for these schemes to learn from one another.


Action 3: Contact Team Domenica and for more information on recruitment

The Beacon – Update

  1. SBu advised that there is a proposal to put on an event at The Beacon shopping centre, Eastbourne in its community space. The event would be led by DWP with Task Group support and involvement. There are some risk assessment issues around hospitality activities (coffee-making and scalding for example) to attract people so further work needs to be done around this.


  1. Timing is another issue to look at. An event during half-term/school holidays would have higher footfall but there would be no compulsion to attend. ER raised that there have been 11 job fairs this month, too many meant they are not well attended.


  1. SBu noted that the general consensus was a preference for the natural footfall of school holiday time. Eight employees are wanted, four of whom should be local to meet the community criteria.


  1. The space can easily look empty, so it is important to have something interesting going on. Cake decorating was suggested.


  1. ER said that a chef partnership video in the background on a loop would provide visual interest and relevant information.


  1. SBu raised whether employers could be there who are able to offer immediate interviews/work trials. [SBe joined at this point]. SBe followed up SBu by saying it is therefore important for employers to ensure the right member of staff, a decision-maker is there. This reduces chasing up at a later date. Employer advisers capture data on DWP client attendees and next steps.


Action 4: Send ideas on visually attractive activities to – ALL


Supporting Refugees

  1. SBu reported that there will be a programme called Support into Work starting in October. This has arisen due to the number of Ukrainians who have come to the county and that their six-months with hosts is due to end.


  1. The scheme comprises dedicated employability training. Skills will be mapped and cross-checked, and expectations managed. There will be ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) provision. Those on this scheme will be eligible for Moving on Up (on the November 2021 Task Group agenda).


  1. SBe stated that the DWP Flexible Support Fund can help with things like interview clothing, travel to work and more. SBe said that some change in the keenness of Ukrainians to secure employment has been seen with greater awareness of the benefits system. On a whole, they are motivated to work but have some barriers to overcome to enable this.


Date of Next Meeting


  1. Tuesday 8th November at 3-4.30pm – online