Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN)

We are looking for businesses from a variety of sectors to help secondary schools and colleges with their careers strategy. This is an opportunity for you to use your knowledge of the world of work to make a lasting positive impact on the future of young people in East Sussex.

The Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) was launched by Skills East Sussex in 2015. The EAN works with the East Sussex Careers Hub to support schools and colleges to create long-term careers strategies.

Local networks are formed by the advisers. The purpose of these networks is to meet and communicate to share best practice and discuss ideas for joint-working and support.

The EAN in East Sussex is funded by The Careers and Enterprise Company and East Sussex County Council as part of a growing national network. The impact and success of this network is being evaluated by schools, advisers and the County Council. Across the UK, employers now support many schools and colleges, and plans are in place to increase that number during 2022. As these partnerships grow and develop, business and school-linked activities will increase. Organisers are confident that through this, long-term goals will be achieved.

Support locally to make a difference

The EAN works to fulfil the East Sussex County Council’s Employability and Skills strategy. Businesses are matched with secondary schools, further education and sixth form colleges. Together they work to reignite business and education links. This includes businesses from priority growth areas:

  • Construction
  • Health and Social Care
  • Creative and Digital
  • Engineering
  • Land-Based Industries
  • Visitor Economy

Find out how you can become an Enterprise Adviser.

Become an Enterprise Adviser

Enterprise Advisers are matched with a local school or college. They are part of a high profile nationwide network of exceptional business volunteers.

What the role involves

With the support of an Enterprise Coordinator, you will:

  • Help a school develop an enterprise and employer engagement strategy. This includes activities and information that promotes careers pathways and employability skills.
  • Work with a school or college to identify their priority areas for support.
  • Help schools to engage with businesses from the wider community via your networks. These can be businesses of all sizes, and the self-employed.
  • Share best practice and support other Enterprise Advisers.
  • Use resources and templates provided by your Enterprise Coordinator.

What you will bring to the role

  • Willingness to share experiences and knowledge or the world of work. Provide a realistic and authentic approach about employability to young people and schools.
  • Knowledge of your sector and where it sits within the local and wider business community.
  • Ability to shape, develop and add value to a school's employer engagement strategy.
  • Volunteer yours, or a member of your staff' time (up to 1 day per month). This can include emails, phone calls, meetings, assembly talks and attending school events.
  • Attend Enterprise Adviser network group meetings and other network meetings where possible.
  • Engage in Enterprise Adviser induction programmes.
  • Willingness to contribute to press releases and promotional activities, including ministerial visits.

Enterprise Advisers are required to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This is because the role may involve contacts with students. There will not be any costs to you for this. Your Enterprise Coordinator will complete the relevant paperwork for you.

For more information, please contact the Careers Hub at Enterprise.Coordinator@eastsussex.gov.uk