Business East Sussex (BES)

Business East Sussex (BES) is a partnership of local business leaders, education providers and local authorities that are working together to support businesses in East Sussex and help address local challenges.

The group aims to make East Sussex the best place in the country to do business.

Business East Sussex meetings

BES meetings are open to any business wishing to attend. If you are a local business leader and would like to attend any of our future meetings, please email the County Council’s Economic Development team.


BES meetings are held monthly at various locations across East Sussex. The schedule of upcoming BES meetings is as follows:

  • Thursday 20 June 2024, Rye - CANCELLED
  • Wednesday 24 July 2024, Uckfield
  • Thursday 25 September 2024, Hastings
  • Wednesday 23 October 2024, Eastbourne
  • Thursday 21 November 2024, Lewes
  • Tuesday 17 December 2024, Newhaven

The minutes of the most recent BES meetings are published below:

Copies of older minutes are available on request.

Other BES documents

The BES Terms of Reference are currently being updated (April 2024) and will be published in due course.

BES is a sub-board of Team East Sussex (TES), the strategic advisory economic growth board for East Sussex. TES helps set the overall vision, strategic direction and priorities of East Sussex, and in partnership with the County Council, jointly develops the county's long-term Economic Prosperity Strategy. The BES Chair also sits on the TES Board, ensuring effective two-way communication between the two groups.


The Chair of BES is Paul Hetherington, Founder and Partner of Hetherington International Services Ltd (HIS Ltd). Administrative support for BES is provided by the County Council’s Economic Development team.

If you are a local business leader and would like to attend any of our future BES meetings, or if you have any other queries on the Business East Sussex group, please get in touch via the Economic Development team.
