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  4. How to tender for business with us

How to tender for business with us

Where we advertise

All contracts over £25,000 in value are advertised in the Proactis Supplier Network. This is the main website for all council tenders.

The largest contracts are also advertised through Find a Tender:

For more about our advertising policy, see our section below on the tendering process.

How to contact us


See Contact key procurement staff by category.

Advertised contracts

Please contact the member of staff listed in the advertisement or visit the Proactis Supplier Network.

The tendering process

Companies applying to do business with the Council must follow the appropriate procedure.

The higher the estimated value of the business opportunity, the stricter the procedure. The appropriate procedure is based on the the value of the contract.

Orbis Procurement Supplier Code of Conduct

Orbis Procurement is a shared service partnership between Surrey County Council, East Sussex County Council, and Brighton & Hove City Council. It is one of the UK’s largest public sector providers of innovative, flexible, strategic and tactical procurement solutions, and helps partners to manage and improve the delivery of public services.

Orbis Procurement’s objective for its partners’ supply chains is to ensure that our significant third party spend can be used to deliver greater “public benefit”, securing value that furthers national, regional and local priorities and needs. This Supplier Code of Conduct is designed to provide understanding, alignment and continuous improvement around these objectives throughout the full procurement and contract lifecycle.

This Code applies to suppliers, and their extended supply chain, performing obligations under a contract for any Orbis partner authority. The Code will be applied in a proportionate and relevant manner according to the market and the goods or services provided. 

Orbis Supplier Code of Conduct 4.0 [384.0 KB] [pdf]

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Criteria for awarding contracts

We generally award tenders for contracts using a range of evaluation criteria including price and quality. This is known as the ‘most economically advantageous tender’. This allows us to take account of commercial and non-commercial considerations. We make the evaluation criteria available to suppliers so that the award process is completely transparent.

We normally award contracts to a single supplier. If the contract is available to multiple suppliers, we clearly state this in the invitation to quote or tender.